The Brilliance Shop

Celebrating a year at Andela

Olalekan Sogunle
2 min readSep 22, 2015

Today makes the Andela first Anniversary and I had a throw back on what the last one year has been like. For Andela, it has been a year of rapid growth and expansion. We have more than quadrupled in size, started up in Kenya, and yes gotten more investments and clients too.

For me, an individual without any prior experience in software and web solutions development, I have learnt a lot and rapidly developed over time. I remember what I was building about this time last year at the Andela Training. HotOrCold, a guessing Huckle Buckle game built with native JavaScript, CSS and HTML.


Within this one year, I have worked as a remote developer for a New York based client for the most part of it. I have learnt from great world class developers, who were my mentors (Andrei Erdoss, Jason Swett, Chad Wolley, and Obie Fernandez). I have also learnt from my brilliant colleagues and remote team mates. The result is that, I have grown from developing a JS game to contributing to open source software. Recently, I started contributing significantly to an open source gem intended for use by Nigerian banks. NG-Bank-Parser.

Contributing to NG-Bank-Parser

One striking point on my mind is, how one can move from having no coding experience to building a JS game, to building a MEAN stack application, to working on a client project, getting remote development work experience, and contributing to open source software projects within a year. Could it be the power of the Brilliance Shop? Yes, Andela is the Brilliance Shop!

The journey has not been smooth all the way, but I will like to conclude with this saying of one of my directors. He says, success is not a destination but a journey. For Andela and for me, the journey continues with a lot to unlock.



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